Safe Cyber India project is advocating for Better Internet Ethics and Digital Wellbeing, To achieve this goal, we develop and deliver digital and media literacy resources that create awareness and educate people. We provide education & awareness in advancing digital and media literacy in educational institutions and corporate sector, Our special focus on safe guarding women and children from all digital offences.
It’s a social project aimed at educating young children and teens to engage with internet in a secure manner. We all have noticed teens/ children are increasingly engaged at a younger age on an increasing number of devices, platforms and applications. But these children are not been sufficiently informed / taught / mentored / coached how to do so in a safe and secure manner.
We’re bringing awareness to places where people want and need it most; where it can spur innovation and inspire individuals and organisations to conceive and implement innovative solutions. Whatever initiatives we do, we follow holistic pedagogical methodologies, creating learning environments that encourage creative thinking, shared knowledge exchanges and collaboration opportunities. That approach empowers learners to take the lessons learned back to their organisations and societies, and impact their world for the better.